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Concorto Film Festival, Pontenure_Piacenza, Italy

    “Che cosa resterà di me? Del transito terrestre? Di tutte le impressioni che ho avuto in questa vita?”
    F. Battiato, Mesopotamia


    To keep a memory. This is the reason that made us open ASINOVOLA, a blog to collect and story-tell the many aspects of Concorto’s universe and satellites. A blog for all those who have been in Parco Raggio or who have never been there, a blog for those who want to know more, to remember, explore, criticise, ask questions and find answers. You’ll find interviews with the great artists that every year we have the honour to host, reviews of the over 100 shorts we screen every summer, the “dailies”, report-like articles on the festival intense days and much more, that we still don’t know but that undoubtedly attracts us.
    Many voices and opinions will animate these “pages”, or at least this is our good intention. Aurea varietas; happy reading.