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Let’s try to fight the nostalgia evoked by the fact that Concorto is coming to its end (sob) by thinking about the day we have ahead: at 6 p.m., at Salone degli Amici dell’Arte in Piacenza, special screenings dedicated to the Emilia Romagna nel Mondo project, including “our” project Al di là del mare.

At 9 p.m., at Parco Raggio, screening of the last shorts in competition, followed at 10:30 p.m. by Furtherset’s concert, who will perform live the “Secolo Nostro” soundtrack.

From 11:30 p.m., the cinephiles’ night in the Greenhouse features the third part of Ubik and Deep Night.

Chords – Estibaliz Urresola
Visto da Vanessa Mangiavacca

Le pieghe del volto di Rita rivelano la sua età e celano coraggio, determinazione e un’energia inaspettata. Attraverso Cuerdas la regista Estibaliz Urresola Solaguren si sofferma su un raccolto corale e collettivo di empowerment femminile lontanissimo da ogni cliché. Presentato alla Semaine de la Critique 2022 e ora a Concorto in anteprima italiana, il cortometraggio spagnolo si sofferma sull’impegno politico e umano di una donna di novant’anni che, divisa tra le prove del coro e giustizia sociale, afferma la propria presenza e risolutezza, decisa ad occupare il proprio posto nel mondo, cercando di trasformarlo in meglio . “Dobbiamo cantare con tutto il nostro corpo, con il diaframma, con la respirazione”: così le donne del coro mettono interamente se stesse nella loro causa e nella decisione di accettare o meno la sponsorizzazione di una delle aziende più inquinanti del loro paese per riuscire a continuare ad affittare la loro sala prove. Ne emerge un dibattito costruttivo che include molteplici punti di vista. 

The headhunter’s daughter – Don Josephus Raphael
As seen by Francesca Marchesini

Don Josephus Raphael’s work recounts Lynn’s journey to the city in search of fortune in the music field. However, The Headhunter’s Daughter is not a simple solo road-trip; the short movie develops around the relationship- absent -between the protagonist and her own father, thus transforming the quest for success into a quest for attention. Although there is no developed dialogue in the canonical sense between “the headhunter” and his own daughter, this void is filled by music and by making the structure of the movie take on the features of a video clip.

Heltzear – Mikel Gurrea
As seen by Margherita Fontana

Getting uo, growing up, reaching: this is in Basque the meaning of the title of the short film by Mikel Gurrea. It alludes to this ascensional movement of the protagonist’s passion, a young climber. In fact, Sara is training for a very difficult climb, a close-up with the rock, prepared through tough workouts. We observe her while she is writing a letter to her absent brother, who has been a victim of the Basque conflict. The film indeed, shot in 16 millimeters with a solid photography, nearly rocky, brings us back to 2000, in the heart of the armed fight that shocked the director’s life. Filmed with amatour actors, Heltzear is an autobiographical transfiguration focused on adolescence, a necessary moment of painful growth. 

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